Montescudaio wine festival

The Montescudaio wine festival represents for our company one of the most anticipated and heartfelt events of the year. There are two main reasons. One is linked to the time of year as we breathe and experience the harvest, the smell of fermenting musts and the emotion of a new product that is being born in this period. The…

T.M Wine Class, what is it?

The T.M Wine Class is born thanks to our competence and experience in the world of strong wine of the results obtained in the sector and the experiences made occupying different positions inside and outside of wineries. It will allow members to have strong benefits on experiential initiatives and on the courses that the T.M wine class puts to ...

The harvest period

The time of harvest varies, as well as for the genetic and environmental aspects also depending on the oenological goals we are going to set. We need to choose the right moment by ensuring that we have a good polyphenolic maturation, in addition to a good alcohol concentration and a good level of acidity that go to satisfy the characteristics of the corporate objective. We believe ...