
It often happens that you don't value yours dish choosing the inadequate wine?
You don't understand why one scope needs a faithful wine beside him?
When it comes to food-wine pairing you don't know what to say?
The art of choosing a wine that fits perfectly with our dish.
The two elements food and wine marry, enhancing each other respectively.
The basic concept for a pperfect match it consists in analyzing the two different structures (food and wine), which must relate and reach  balance which will lead to pleasure taste - olfactory.
What will you learn?
The concepts with which to make a logical and valuable reasoning to make an effective combination.
- Introduction to food tasting
- The method
- The difficulties of matching
- The soft sensations of food
- The hard sensations of food
- The combination by tradition
- The contrast of flavors
- The concordance of flavors
- Many practical examples
- Example of "Matching Graphics Card" and its filling


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